Monday 9 December 2013

My Worthless Efforts - the front cover

It’s a universal law. A chemical reaction always approaches to stability. Is life also a chemical reaction?
Story revolves around 3 love birds Avi, Hina and Amy.  
A city topper in board exam Avi falls for Hina. Their love sees zenith when Avi joins engineering. Instead of studying true solution, Avi focused more on his true love……..’Hina’.
Life of Avi takes a twist when he proposes her for marriage. Do they get married??
Does Avi’s life follow the universal law?

It’s in L.A. with Hina, Avi’s mobile displays…..
 “I hv a surprise fr u. wish we wr 2gethr. Call me whn u r free. Miss u a lot baby.
                                                                                                                                                - Amy “

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